Veterans, especially those who've experienced the violence of action, have suffered loss and/or experience PTSD need help and Yoga is working for them. I am really excited to support The Veteran's Yoga Project this November in a national Yoga campaign. Our Kompass Kommunity Goal is to raise $300 for the Veteran's Yoga Project. Our Fundraising Class in Monday November 9 at 5:30-7pm. Suggested donation is $20. Class will be held at Anatomy in Motion Wellness Studio, in Clinton, NY.
Therapeutic Yoga with an emphasis on interoception (perceiving internal body sensations and sensing body's inner response to experience) generates an inner environment of healing, resolution and empowerment. More and more neuroscientific, social and genomic research validates the efficacy of breath awareness, inner sensation awareness, mindful awareness and emotional awareness with trauma recovery, mental well-being, stress management, personal growth, etc. There's an opportunity to see how Therapeutic Yoga might make a difference in your life.
With Phoenix Rising Therapeutic Yoga, on your Yoga Mat, we are coached to take Yoga Postures and Movements with an emphasis on interoception. You are coached to receive into your awareness the inner sensations of posture and movements, and this engages and focuses your mind a present, embodied, meditative-like state. You are coached in awareness of your embodied edges, where you learn to discern ways to support and stay present with your experience. Learning ways to make yourself comfortable, resolvable, and easeful within your body will offer you creative ways to do the same in life.
Staying Present and Embodied can be seen as a skill, exercised, practiced and refined with constant unconditional positive regard. If it's a skill, then we all can practice it. Presence is practiced by being Embodied, or fully attuned to experience moment to moment with awareness of inner response to experience.
Choosing Embodied Presence then takes courage, especially when we sense there is great pain/fear/loss/overwhelm in the choice to be with whats real in our human experience. Embodiment does not allow one to transcend the human experience, rather is asks us to hold it spaciously and sacredly. And resolving pain/fear/loss/overwhelm means we sit with it, get to know it, and find ways to support ourselves around it. As we become more mentally attuned to listening for the input of our bodies, life becomes more easily and successfully navigable.
Phoenix Rising Therapeutic Yoga Classes offer safe, structured space to practice Embodied Presence. We have the opportunity to make every class meaningful with an inner experience that empowers us in life.
It's a great Yoga Experience for a Great Cause. In honor of Veteran's Week and The Veteran's Yoga Project. Come on out and practice being present and embodied, and let yourself be empowered by it. This Life Deserves to be Lived Fully and Whole-Heartedly.